5 bestseller/trending/viral books this week (26th June- 2nd July, 2023 )


1 ) Save the Cat! Writes a Young Adult Novel: The Ultimate Guide to Writing a YA Bestseller

I highly recommend "Save the Cat! Writes a Young Adult Novel" to all aspiring writers and fans of young adult fiction. Whether you're new to writing or an experienced author, this book offers valuable insights and practical techniques that will elevate your storytelling skills. By following the comprehensive guidance provided by Jessica Brody, you'll be well on your way to crafting your own young adult bestseller

"Save the Cat! Writes a Young Adult Novel" by Jessica Brody is an indispensable guide for aspiring writers in the young adult genre. Drawing from the acclaimed Save the Cat! screenwriting methodology, Brody presents a comprehensive story-structure guide that equips readers with the essential tools to craft a successful YA novel. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced writer, this book offers valuable insights and practical advice to help you captivate teen readers and create a compelling story.

One of the highlights of this book is the breakdown of the fifteen "beats" or plot points that are crucial for constructing a well-rounded story with a captivating character arc. From the Opening Image to the Finale, each beat is thoroughly explained, allowing writers to understand the significance and purpose behind them. Brody's clear and concise explanations make it easy for readers to grasp the concept and implement it in their own writing.

Furthermore, the book explores ten universal story genres commonly found in young adult novels. By delving into genres like Rites of Passage, Superhero, Buddy Love, Institutionalized, and Golden Fleece, Brody helps writers identify the elements that make their specific type of story work. This deep understanding of genre allows for more focused and effective storytelling, ensuring that readers are engaged from start to finish.

In addition to the comprehensive guidance on story structure, "Save the Cat! Writes a Young Adult Novel" offers a plethora of quirky and original insights. Brody introduces concepts like "Save the Cat," the "Shard of Glass," and the "Dark Night Epiphany," which provide writers with unique approaches to developing their plots and characters. These tips not only spark creativity but also offer practical techniques for crafting stories that will resonate with young adult readers.

The book is enriched with practical advice, easy-to-follow templates, and "beat sheets" that analyze the structure of popular young adult novels such as Leigh Bardugo's "Six of Crows," John Green's "The Fault in Our Stars," and Lois Lowry's "The Giver." By examining these successful works, Brody demonstrates how the principles she presents can be applied in real-world scenarios, making the learning experience more tangible and relatable.

Overall, "Save the Cat! Writes a Young Adult Novel" is an invaluable resource for anyone who aspires to write a young adult bestseller. Jessica Brody's expertise as both a novelist and a story coach shines through in this book, providing readers with the tools they need to create engaging stories and captivating characters. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned writer, this book is a must-read for anyone seeking to master the art of writing young adult fiction. So grab a copy of this book and get ready to embark on an exciting journey into the world of YA fiction!

2) The New Saints: From Broken Hearts to Spiritual Warriors

"The New Saints" by Lama Rod Owens is a powerful and timely guidebook for those who yearn to create a more just and ethical world. With profound wisdom and compassionate insight, Owens invites readers to embrace their innate capacity for change and become agents of justice, peace, and transformation.

One of the standout qualities of this book is Owens' ability to demystify the concept of saints. Rather than portraying them as unattainable figures, he emphasizes that saints are ordinary human beings who possess the dedication and desire to alleviate suffering. This reframing allows readers to see themselves as potential agents of change, capable of embodying the qualities of saints and contributing to the betterment of society.

"The New Saints" provides a combination of personal stories, traditional teachings, and contemplative and somatic practices. These resources serve as a guide for self-exploration and wise action, encouraging readers to tap into their own inner wisdom and engage in practices that promote personal growth and collective well-being. Owens seamlessly weaves together spirituality and social justice, emphasizing the interconnectedness of these realms and highlighting their importance in shaping a more compassionate world.

Throughout the book, Owens emphasizes the need for authenticity and deep care in our actions. He challenges readers to confront the status quo and disrupt systems of violence, urging them to let love guide their choices instead of fear and hate. In a time of societal crisis and upheaval, "The New Saints" offers a profound call to awaken and embrace our roles as spiritual warriors. Owens reminds us that within crisis lies the opportunity for profound transformation and the awakening of truth.

Lama Rod Owens' writing is both engaging and accessible, making the book relatable to readers from various backgrounds. His words resonate with authenticity and urgency, inspiring readers to reflect on their own lives and take meaningful action. By sharing his own experiences and drawing from diverse spiritual traditions, Owens creates a rich tapestry of wisdom that encourages readers to explore their own paths and contribute to positive change.

I wholeheartedly recommend "The New Saints" to anyone who seeks guidance and inspiration in their journey toward creating a more just and compassionate world. Whether you are deeply rooted in spiritual practices or are beginning to explore the intersection of spirituality and social justice, this book offers invaluable insights and practical tools for personal and collective transformation. Lama Rod Owens' teachings will ignite a fire within you, encouraging you to step into your power and join the movement of the new saints who are shaping the future with love and compassion. Grab a copy of this book and be prepared to be moved, inspired, and transformed.

4) How to Say Goodbye

"How to Say Goodbye" by Wendy MacNaughton is a tenderly illustrated guide that offers invaluable insights on navigating the challenging process of saying goodbye to our loved ones. Based on the author's experiences as an artist-in-residence at the Zen Hospice Project Guest House, this book provides a framework for meaningful conversations during the final moments of life.

MacNaughton introduces "the five things," a framework she learned from a professional caregiver, as a guide for having conversations of love, respect, and closure. These five things - "I forgive you," "Please forgive me," "Thank you," "I love you," and "Goodbye" - form the foundation for finding mutual peace and understanding when it matters most. By incorporating these words into our conversations, we can create an atmosphere of love and connection, allowing for a more profound and meaningful farewell.

The illustrations in the book, drawn from the author's own experiences at the Zen Hospice Project Guest House and her aunt's bedside, add a poignant and heartfelt touch. MacNaughton's artwork beautifully captures the emotions and complexities involved in saying goodbye, enhancing the reader's understanding and emotional connection to the subject matter.

"How to Say Goodbye" also provides practical resources and advice from hospice caregivers. From creating a positive sensory experience to acknowledging what is beyond our control and sharing memories and gratitude, the book offers guidance on how to navigate the process of saying goodbye with compassion and intention. It reminds us that there is no one right way to say goodbye, just as there is no one right way to live a good life. It encourages readers to embrace the present, deepen their relationships, and find solace during moments of vulnerability.

The inclusion of a foreword by renowned physician and author BJ Miller adds further credibility and depth to the book. Miller's insights provide a valuable perspective on the importance of acknowledging mortality and embracing the emotional aspects of saying goodbye.

I highly recommend "How to Say Goodbye" to anyone who is facing or anticipates the difficult task of saying goodbye to a loved one. This book serves as a compassionate and comforting companion, offering guidance, support, and encouragement during a time of great emotional significance. Wendy MacNaughton's heartfelt illustrations and the wisdom shared by hospice caregivers create a profound and thought-provoking read that will undoubtedly resonate with readers. Grab a copy of this book and allow it to be a starting point for navigating the challenging process of saying goodbye with love, respect, and grace.

5) Fourth Wing

The Empyrean Series" introduces readers to a thrilling and immersive world where dragons, war, and political intrigue collide. This captivating series follows the journey of twenty-year-old Violet Sorrengail as she defies expectations and embarks on a dangerous path to becoming a dragon rider.

One of the standout aspects of this book is the depth and complexity of the world-building. The author skillfully crafts a rich and vibrant universe, complete with a unique hierarchy, magical elements, and intricate societal dynamics. From the Scribe Quadrant to the Riders Quadrant, readers are transported to a world filled with danger, tension, and adventure.

Violet Sorrengail, the protagonist, is a compelling and relatable character. Despite being physically fragile and smaller than her peers, she possesses a resilient spirit and a sharp intellect. As she faces numerous challenges and the constant threat of death, her determination and resourcefulness shine through. Readers will find themselves rooting for Violet as she navigates the treacherous world of dragon riders.

The book is filled with a diverse cast of characters, each with their own agendas and motivations. From friends to enemies to potential love interests, the interactions and relationships add depth and intrigue to the story. The complex web of alliances and betrayals keeps readers guessing, and the well-developed characters bring the narrative to life.

The pacing of the book is excellent, with a perfect balance between action-packed sequences and quieter moments of character development. The tension and suspense build steadily throughout the story, keeping readers engaged and eager to uncover the secrets and revelations that lie ahead.

While "The Empyrean Series" can be enjoyed as a standalone book, it is best experienced when read in order. The ongoing plot threads and the development of the overarching narrative make reading the series from the beginning a rewarding and immersive experience.

I highly recommend "The Empyrean Series" to fans of fantasy, adventure, and intricate world-building. This book is a thrilling and captivating read, with its vivid descriptions, well-drawn characters, and plot that keeps you on the edge of your seat. Grab a copy of this series and be prepared to immerse yourself in a world of dragons, magic, and gripping storytelling.

