The best 5 books recommended to understand how blockchain works

 A blockchain is a decentralized, distributed ledger technology that securely and openly logs transactions across numerous computers. Each block in the chain is resistant to change or tampering because it includes a cryptographic hash of the one before it, transaction information, and a timestamp. In a variety of applications, including cryptocurrencies, supply chain management, and digital identity verification, this enables safe and open record-keeping.

Why you should learn Blockchain ?

  • There is a high demand for blockchain experts.
  • Potential for lucrative employment
  • increasing uptake and integration across industries
  • Benefits of decentralisation and security
  • new possibilities for entrepreneurship and innovation
  • Possibility of increased financial efficiency and transparency
Here the recommended books about blockchain subject :

1) Blockchain Technology Explained: The Ultimate Beginner's Guide About Blockchain Wallet, Mining, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Zcash, Monero, Ripple, Da

By:Alan T.Norman

This book focuses on how blockchain technology works and its future applications. It covers topics such as:

  1. The problem solved by blockchain
  2. Blockchain's potential to make institutions faster and cheaper
  3. The possibility of blockchain replacing institutions
  4. Blockchain building trust between strangers
  5. Blockchain improving security
  6. Blockchain applications outside finance
  7. The components of a blockchain (blocks, chain, etc.)
  8. The technical workings of the blockchain
  9. Mining and alternatives
  10. The history of Bitcoin and its challenges
  11. Ethereum and smart contracts
  12. Other blockchain technologies
  13. Companies adopting blockchain
  14. Regulatory hurdles for blockchain adoption.

By:, , 

This book includes:

Bitcoin and blockchain technology, including a technical overview and background on Satoshi Nakamoto and Bitcoin. Public blockchains, alternative currencies, and new developments in blockchain technology, such as Ethereum and smart contracts.

  Strengths and weaknesses of alternative currencies and blockchain alternatives. Private blockchains and their applications in finance, technology companies, and non-tech companies, including case studies on their use in gaming, cloud services, big data, IoT, and machine learning. 

    Cryptocurrency regulation and policy, covering ICOs vs. STOs vs. IPOs, KYC and AML legislation, the discussion of whether cryptocurrencies are securities, and the official attitude of countries on crypto
      Future of decentralised technology, including tokenization of national currencies, cryptocurrencies used by Facebook and WhatsApp, currency tokenization in China, blockchain's use in the Internet of Things, and projections for the future of money and business

By: Mark Millers 

"Blockchain in Action" book teaches how to create decentralized apps using blockchain. The book covers basics of blockchain technology, how to use Ethereum and Solidity to create smart contracts, adding features like web interface and trust validation, and deploying the app. The book uses simple writing and avoids technical jargon. It requires open source software and common hardware to get started. Blockchain technology is much more than just powering Bitcoin, it has revolutionized money, digital identity, and logistics.

4) Blockchain, Big Data and Machine Learning: Trends and Applications


  The integration of these technologies and their applications in several industries are explored in the book "Blockchain, Big Data, and Machine Learning." It illustrates how data analytics, security, and privacy are combined in blockchain-based systems. Technical assessments and comparisons with currently available technologies are included in the book, which also covers the theoretical foundation and actual case studies of real-time applications. Readers who are experts in computer science, engineering, and electrical engineering should pick up this book. It covers big data analytics with examples in R, as well as blockchain creation with examples in Python. The examples for developing blockchain are supplemented by case studies from various businesses.

5) Blockchain Technology: The Future

By: Deepak Gupta

Beyond cryptocurrencies, the book delves into other uses for blockchain technology, including Metaverse, NFTs, Decentralized Finance, and Web 3.0. The book raises concerns about the viability and validity of these technologies as well as their effects on the economy and society. It offers a hands-on approach to comprehending blockchain technology and addresses issues like the future of cryptocurrencies, the trustworthiness of equities versus cryptocurrencies, the creation of money, the viability of NFTs, the potential of Metaverse, and the security of Decentralized Finance. The book also raises concerns regarding the future of cryptocurrencies and their potential to become stable in the twenty-first century.

