Growing up in Trengganu by Awang Goneng

   Terengganu or Trengganu are the same places, so don't get them mixed up; the writer has beautifully evoked their memories. It sounds so new that it might as well have happened yesterday. I'm assuming the author missed those, based on memories of puasa that occurred in his town, individuals he met, and meals he consumed.
He describes everything in great detail, notably when describing Pok Ku Haji Ambak with his famed serban sebesar bakul, foods like apam balik or kuih akok, and a mosque that he frequently visited with his father (Masjid Putih -Masjid Abidin )

If you read this book, you will undoubtedly notice that Terengganu accents are mentioned on nearly every page. However, the glossary is located at the end. final page. It's so enjoyable to read about the experiences that occurred before I was born. I suppose that my generation really missed those beautiful childhood years.
